Entries in EE Magazine (5)


Interview Part 4: All The Muscle You Need!

Part 4 of my potted history kicks off with some more abmitious projects,starting with the Bench Power Supply of March 1981. You can download reprints of all my project articles and read my background notes, as well as seeing photos of the original prototypes that still exist today.

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Interview Part 3: Great Graticules!

I continue with the story of more constructional projects and series, including the popular Uniboards that some readers still remember to this day. I’ve made downloadable PDF reprints of the articles with a separate PDF about my actual prototypes, which I’ve rediscovered and photographed again for the first time in 30-odd years.

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Interview Part 2: A voyage on Veroboard

Updated on Monday, April 27, 2020 at 9:13PM by Registered CommenterAlan W

After reading "Everyday Electronics" as a 1970s teenager, I started writing my own constructional articles. I've uploaded the original EE articles (PDF) with separate colour photos of the actual 1970's prototypes, recently unearthed in my workshop.

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Interview Part 1: the control freak

I’m sometimes asked how I got involved with electronics and writing for magazines. I had to dig back more than forty years in order to unearth the inspirations for my interest in technology and electronics!

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My introduction to electronics

I first started out in hobby electronics back in 1975 when as a schoolboy I wrote my first little item for the UK magazine Practical Electronics. After that, hobby electronics became a major part of what I did both as a freelancer and a full-time professional worker in industry and commerce.

The purpose of this web site, though, is to showcase what I've done in the past and chat about some current work or ideas that's passing over my desk or workbench at the moment.

These days, I'm not so much into electronics project design itself, and I leave all the clever PIC microcontroller stuff to the multitude of people who are much more clever than I am.

My associated website http://www.epemag.net/ is dedicated more to EPE (Everyday Practical Electronics) Magazine and you'll find an increasing number of resources there too, including some online reprints of some of my portfolio.

Where do I start? I'll answer that next.