New! Introduction to Gas Soldering Irons
Introduction to Gas Soldering Irons on Amazon (Kindle)Apart from traditional electric ‘pencil’ soldering irons, a wide choice of portable, butane-powered irons is now sold on popular websites at some very appealing prices. Gas soldering irons can be pretty handy tools for tackling quick electronic repairs on the spot or handling odd-jobs in the field.
My new book entitled ‘Introduction to Gas Soldering Irons’ has now been published. It outlines the operation of both simpler, torch-type irons and also catalytic soldering irons, explaining the merits of each type and also highlighting some oft-misunderstood facts about the butane gas (or is it a liquid?) that powers them. Some important usage and handling considerations are included too, helped by a plentiful supply of color photographs.
The book is intended to fill in the missing gaps in typical instructions and help beginners in choosing and using their own gas soldering iron. In Part Two of the book, a small selection of commercial gas soldering irons is reviewed which will help would-be users to check out the essential features of a gas soldering iron before they decide to rush out and buy one.
These handy-dandy gadgets could be just the thing to enhance a typical tech’s toolkit, so why not check out this useful guide to learn everything you need to know about gas-powered soldering irons. It’s available for download on your local Amazon site under ASIN: B00J4Y3NSY.